My website about business entrepreneurship and digital marketing and today's topic we're going to be discussing Facebook vs. Google advertising now my audience here on YouTube is primarily agency owners but this goes for any business owner if you're doing dropshipping in e-commerce or you have your own business or even a brick-and-mortar business or if you own a digital marketing agency you're doing marketing for other businesses this is all going to be applicable to you so let's break it down on a very basic level why is Facebook and Google different why are there ad products different well let's look
Number one Facebook is a social media platform people go onto Facebook to connect with their friends they go onto Facebook to look at pictures of their grandchildren and funny videos of cats and memes and everything like that right so that's why people are on Facebook so it's important to understand that dynamic when you're trying to run advertisement on one of these platforms
Now Google on the other hand is for information right it's intent-based people go on Google with an intention of finding out something and answer to a question information on topic that they're interested in learning more about and so like I said understanding these dynamics and understanding why these platforms exist and what they're primarily used for is important when you're trying to figure out which one to advertise on now let's talk about the difference between Facebook and Google Ads in terms of how you pay for them so Facebook is impression based that means you are paying a CPM rate you're paying a certain amount of money for how many people see your ad so you can pay a whole bunch of money you can spend thousands of dollars on you know and ad trying to get people to your landing page or whatever and trying to get link clicks but at the end of the day
Facebook is going to charge you for how many people that ad reached and you might get zero clicks that's now obviously that's unlikely that's an extreme scenario but all I'm trying to get across to you guys is that Facebook is impression based and you're paying based on how many people see the ad not how many people take an action now Google on the other hand is CPC based right cost per click so when somebody clicks on your Google ad that's when you get charged you can show your ad inversely to Facebook you can show your ad thousands of people but if nobody clicks on it you're not gonna pay a single cent now in terms of the ads products themselves I'm talking about when you're in the back end of Facebook ads and you're in the back end of Google ads in my opinion
I am both certified in Facebook and Google and so I spend a lot of time in both of the back ends of these app platforms Facebook is a lot better in my opinion in terms of the targeting options look-alike audiences are super powerful and all of the little micro targeting geo targeting all the stuff that you can do with Facebook ads it's overall better now on the other side you have Google where you know obviously Google has a much bigger reach there's many more users on Google and its products compared to Facebook and its products but you know at the same time Facebook does just have a better ad product I just personally enjoy running ads on Facebook a lot more than Google it's a lot less confusing a lot less time consuming so take that with a grain of salt obviously that's just my opinion however I do believe that Facebook's ads product is much better now let's talk about the actual ads that you're running on these platforms so Facebook is very visual like I said at the beginning of this video being a social media platform Facebook is a very visual platform so when you're running ads the creative the actual images and video that you're using are very very important whereas on Google their primary ad product is Google search right so you're bidding on keywords and it all comes down to the copy and the words that you type into your advertisement
Now Google does have image base and creative based ads products they have Google display retargeting and they have YouTube obviously where it's video ads so they do have that element of their business but primarily when Google first came out and their biggest ad product to this day is a Google search pass so the next thing I want to talk about is the extra products that each of these companies have so Facebook is a conglomerate they own a bunch of other companies that they're able to run their ads on right
The same with Google so Facebook owns Instagram messenger and whatsapp so you when you run a Facebook ad and you don't you don't edit your placements you just leave out automatic placements right when you do that you're actually running ads on Instagram and messenger and sometimes whatsapp without you even knowing it right and then same thing on Google Google owns YouTube and and also Google Shopping which is becoming one of the biggest ad platforms for e-commerce so if you're trying to run an e-commerce advertisement you can use people ads just for shopping ads you can use YouTube ads just for video ads and so that's the really cool thing about these platforms is as they grow as these companies grow bigger and they start to acquire more companies and more platforms just like Facebook acquired Instagram and you know Google acquired YouTube now all of a sudden you have much broader horizons for you to be able to run your advertisements on these platforms in different placements and on different platforms within that kind of universe within that company so you might be asking cure
All this information is great but which one should I use which one should I put my budget into now that is an interesting question I'm gonna answer it for you as best as I can number one it depends on your type of business if you are an intent based business for example I work with some collision repair shops you don't need to go to a collision repair shop unless you get in a car accident and when you get in the car accident I can assure you if you guys have ever been in a car accident you're probably not looking for collision centers on Instagram or Facebook you're probably going on Google and looking for collision centers near you or recommended collision centers right so with that being said that business might want to advertise on Google now on the flip side thing that is more of a want than a need and that is not as intense based a lot of impulsive purchases and products that are very impulsive driven those are great product to advertise on Facebook and Google right so you know let's say it's an e-commerce product like a hair straightener for example that would be a great product to advertise on Facebook and Instagram okay now my conclusion for which one you should use is both you need to use both platforms to be omnipresent now you can use you know 90% of your budget on one and 10% on the other like the collision shop could be 90% Google and 10% Facebook or vice-versa for the hair straightener right those
just two examples but the reason that I say this is because if your omnipresent your customers are always going to see your retargeting and remarketing ads so let's say you're running a Google ad and you get somebody to your website all of a sudden that person is going to see you're retarding ads everywhere on Facebook and Instagram because you're running ads on all platforms or if somebody ends up on your website from your facebook ad or your Instagram ad then your Google display remarketing or your YouTube remarketing ads are going to hit them with the Google ads that you set up so like I said guys it's very important for you to be omnipresent use both of these massive platforms and all of their targeting options and all of their different display networks to be able to fully maximize your digital marketing budget for yourself and your business or your clients