how you can improve your site performance with AMP.
how you can monetise your accelerated mobile pages. In principle, you should keep a consistent monetisation strategy for your AMP and non-AMP pages. This includes the number of ads, ad placements, ad formats and its responsiveness. For AdSense users, the only difference is the ad code you place on your AMP pages.
In AdSense, you can generate AMP ads in two ways. First, AMP auto ads, which is the easiest and fastest method. Second, manual AMP ad units. Let me walk you through both of them. To generate an AMP ad code, you can head over to AdSense.
Click on Ads Overview on the left. To set up AMP auto ads, ensure that you click on this button here. Ensure that the toggle is in blue - in other words, turned on.
Next, you can copy-paste your auto ads codes. First part, within the head section; second part, right after the body section. Similarly, for setting up AMP manual ads you navigate to Ads Overview and click by Ad Unit on the top.
You can see your existing ad units here. To generate an AMP code for your respective ad unit, click on this code icon. Which would bring you to the AMP ad codes. You can then copy-paste your manual ad codes. First part, within the head section; second part, in where you'd like the manual ads to be. Just like implementing manual ads for your non-AMP pages. For WordPress users, there's a very simple way to start monetising with AdSense, both for AMP and non-AMP pages. With this method, you don't have to worry about inserting ad codes.
To do so you'll need to install Site Kit, Google's official plug-in, which brings stats and functionality from key Google products like Analytics and AdSense to WordPress publishers. Once you have installed your Site Kit plug-in, you'll need to complete a few simple steps to set it up. The set-up takes you just a few minutes.
You simply need to follow the instructions onscreen to complete the steps. Once you've completed the initial set-up for Site Kit, activate the AdSense module. You can do this from the main dashboard or from Settings in the Site Kit menu on the left. Toggle the option so Site Kit can automatically place ad codes to your website. The plug-in is smart enough to add the right ad code depending whether your pages are AMP or non-AMP pages. Once you click Continue, you're prompted to complete two checklists. You have to ensure you've turned on AdSense auto-ads for both AMP and non-AMP pages on the front end, and verify that your website status is marked as ready.
You can navigate through the settings section to double-check its status, and once these are done, auto-ads will automatically run for both your AMP and non-AMP pages. We hope this video helps you better understand how you can monetise your AMP pages and an easy solution to achieve it.