how to enable the administrator on Windows 10 you can haven't heard about the ministry administrator is a hidden user that gives you access to overrides users passwords or uninstalled programs or something that needs to be related as administrator blip
let's have you had standard users that don't give you access to be able to uninstall and to edit some settings like yeah if you haven't no that has been disabled that's sort of being disabled when Windows Vista came it used to be like available hidden on Windows XP so let's say if a person forgot their password you just reserve the computer go into safe mode and from there administrator icon would pop up or they will login go to users change the other user passwords and was that simple but over time period Windows Vista cane they disable Windows 8 and currently still windows 10 has been safe but on for right now I'm going to be showing you how to re-enable that so let's go ahead and get started the person you do is just go ahead and go to the right corner where the start menu is at
just right click and select meant prompt but be sure you choose the one that has the admin that will have administrator you will need the square to work from that point you will type in net user to see what current users you have right there you see that it shows ministry I'm going to have a net user administrator and it is Carney telling you that account active is no on the account expired this is Nebuta and gives you more little details of the passwords left set tells you when it's going to expired other informations but right now we only need to know that it is not at so to re-enable that you will type in net user administrator and type and slash and type in active Pollan and type in yes that gives you the options to enable that user so let's go ahead and click it and see what it says it says it's active right now you can do the same features on different users that are hidden or let's save a person leaves you just want to disable it and let's say they come back you can be enable it's the same concept so let's go ahead
switch users and see what it does and on the top where you're going to see us a user you will click it and I'll say to switch student ministry or you can also sign out we can do that too you can switch over is much different features you want to but we just want to see we can get on to the administrator here's the system and right here on the left corner you see the administrator is there i'ma go ahead and press site it's going to be the first time showing like hi it's going to like regular information so second regular users get a new laptop or computer don't give us a little bit of time you there goes says it won't take long usually on odor like Windows 7 Windows 8 Vista usually the users didn't take that much time on Windows 10 it does give some time to load up at least might just be just for just for time for people to see okay so here you go you are now logged in as administrator you have some settings that aren't fully there like this app right here is an edge good is to be assigned in user and you can't do those features on Windows and but you do have access to system so if you wanted to go to let's see which is saying let's go to users accounts go to other users that you see this regular use right here go ahead and say change account type if you want you can disable it to be a standard user seconds the only one that can log on there is the administrator sets them there's also advanced stuff you can do if you go to right-click and go to control panel from there you'll go to users accounts right here by managing another account you'll see user and right here you can create a password change the account type and delete the account and lots of more features you can do on here but you have access to the ministry room now if you're done using the ministry and you want to be disabled be sure you exit out go ahead sign out from there see it has a different background during color its administer let me go back to user go ahead sign again you to disable it it's the same simple step by just going to start and right-clicking on it we can go ahead and get on medical administrator you may be prompted and perseus type in net user but administrator and put active for I almost missed up the site does notice that ministry ger active Boland and type in a note so that means now if I search the administrator it's going to be just eight to active now we'll go ahead and go ahead and log off of this see you there you go the minister is not enable thanks