what is proxy server ?
why we need a proxy server ?
what are the benefits of a proxy server?
what are the limitations of a proxy server.
what is proxy server?
in technical language, A proxy server is a software system, running on a computer, or any other hardware, that acts as an intermediary between a client computer and a server. and this internet server basically hosting resources like web page, files and videos. so there is a internet user and a web server. when the user request a web page, hosted on the web server, it send a request to the web server. on receiving the request, the web server will provide the response with its destination address. so this is the normal process.
How Proxy Server Works?. so, what are the benefits of a proxy server? 1. security, Proxy server Hides User Identity from Hackers and other agencies. 2. Speed . Proxy server, first time send the user request to the internet server. But second time, it will provide the resources from its cache memory. so it increases the speed. 3. Save Bandwidth. and 4. Proxy Sever enable user authentication. Using Proxy, we can block particular WebSites or we can allow particular WebSites.
So site filtering is possible with proxy server. and we can also keep record of surfing, done by the users or the employee. What are the limitations of Proxy server? as we have seen the proxy server hides your identity means your IP Address but it does not hide the data ? Proxy did not provide data encryption so there is chance is the data may be captured by hackers or or any other agency. so what is the solution?